Jeremiah 6:16

The Old Paths Naturally

When moms were at home and dads were at work. Brothers went to
the Army and sisters got married before having children. Crime did not 
pay, but hard work did, and people knew the difference. Dads would
work, moms could cook and children would behave. Husbands were 
loving, wives were supportive and children were polite. Women were 
dressed modestly and men wore the pants. Women looked like ladies
men dressed like gentlemen, and children looked decent. People 
loved the truth and hated a lie. They  went to church to get in, and not to 
get out. Hymns sounded godly, sermons sounded helpful, rejoicing 
sounded normal, and crying sounded sincere.
Cursing was wicked, drinking was evil, and some sins were not even thought of. The flag was honored, America was beautiful, the Ten Commandments were welcomed, and in God we trust were great words to read. We read the Bible in public plus everywhere we pleased; preached any place, even on the streets. America was worth fighting for and if necessary dying for. To be called a holy person was an honor, and to be called a traitor was a shame. Sex was a personal word, homosexual was an unheard of word, and abortion was an illegal word.
Off color jokes were told only among dirty men, preachers preached because they had a message, and Christians rejoiced because they had the victory. Preachers preached from the Bible, singers sang from the heart, and sinners repented to be saved. A new birth meant a new life, salvation meant a changed life, and following Christ led to eternal life. Being a preacher meant you proclaimed the Word of God, being a deacon meant you served the Lord, being a Christian meant you lived for Jesus, and being a sinner meant someone was praying for you. Laws were based on the Bible. The family read the Bible and churches taught the Bible. God was worshipped, Jesus was exalted, and you were honored to be filled with God's Spirit. You found Christians in church on Sunday, not at the golf course, fishing, or working in their yard.
                                                                                                                      Author unknown

Getting back to the old paths does not mean going back to horse and buggy days, digging potatoes by hand, stacking hay with a pitch fork, or even shucking corn or sheaving wheat to harvest. It really means going back to the time you first received the Holy Ghost, how pure and wonderful everything was. But as we got older, we sort of got used to all the old thinking again, and lost some of the good that God gave us that day. 

Stand by the roads and look and ask for the eternal paths where the good old way is; then walk in it. You will find rest for your soul.
 Come and visit a church that is trying to the utmost to get everyone back to the old paths.
Everyone is welcome.

 Pastor David F. Aldridge